The experimental symposium-cruise held near a non-navigable section of the river Labe. The project emphasised the potentials of communication and infrastructure in a fluid environment. Various guest researchers were invited to play a key role in expanding our imagination about both local and more complex problems. A video documentary of the symposium was captured on an iPhone by Vojtěch Petřina and Petr Michal.\nCrew: Dílna u Pavouka (Adéla Bierbaumer, Marek Fanta), StonyTellers (Jana Mikle and Tania Nikkulina), Martina Johnová, Magdaléna Gurská, Jan Hrubeš. The project was consulted with Roman Novotný.
Documentation done by Vojtěch Petřina, assisted by Petr Michal
The Cruise Booklet showing the crew vocabulary.
Cruise flag participatively done by Dílna U Pavouka